Friday, October 18, 2013


As many of you know, I swam all throughout high school and college (Go Bullets!). It was the best way to stay in shape, I loved my team, and there was nothing sweeter than beating our rivals at conferences. However, now that I am not required to be swimming between the hours of 4 and 6 every day, I've been struggling to stay motivated while working out. 

I recently made the switch from the YMCA to the BSC here in Boston. I love the Y and definitely feel a sense of loyalty to it as I grew up swimming in those pools, but the BSC offers me more classes and better equipment to train on. A couple of weeks ago, I added to my regular gym routine by joining the UXF ripped program. Let me tell you, it's like field hockey preseason and dry land rolled into one hour of pain. But... it's totally addicting and worth it. 

I will say though, I miss the pool a lot. It has been frustrating getting in the pool and only having the motivation to swim 1200 yards. "Come on Kayte, you used to be able to swim at least triple this, easily, in college!" Truth. My endurance was much better and I was stronger than I am now. I suppose there are pros and cons to not swimming as much: no more man shoulders, no extra layer of insulation to worry about... but then again I also have to watch what I eat and can't house an entire bag of goldfish without thinking twice. So there's that. 

So, in honor of missing swimming and the feeling it gives me, I will be spending my morning watching the Natalie Coughlin race videos that used to pump me up before meets. If you used to swim, I think you will appreciate this.

Have an amazing Friday and a great weekend and if you're going to the Hunt, see you there!

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