Welcome to the new mass.musings! This is a lifestyle and fashion blog that I created about a year ago to continue my love of writing and to share my passion for all things aesthetic. What came of that was a tumblr that steadily grew into a legitimate blog. However, now that mass.musings is really taking off and gaining momentum, I decided that it was time to make a switch to a blog host that could offer me a little more in terms of customization, advertisement, and accessibility. Now don't get me wrong, tumblr is an absolutely amazing site that I will continue to use on a regular basis (207kd.tumblr.com) but coming back to blogger just seemed right. Thank you to all of my followers who have watched me progress and grow over the past year, I can't tell you how appreciative I am of your support. Watch out for mass.musings now, there are only bigger, brighter, and more exciting things to come in the future. xoxo

To see my archive of posts on tumblr, please use this link: www.massmusings.tumblr.com

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